6 spine surgeons making headlines
Dr. Zahir highlighted in Becker’s Spine Review https://www.beckersspine.com/spine/item/41333-drs-oren-gottfried-janet-bay-more-6-spine-surgeons-making-headlines.html
Dr. Zahir highlighted in Becker’s Spine Review https://www.beckersspine.com/spine/item/41333-drs-oren-gottfried-janet-bay-more-6-spine-surgeons-making-headlines.html
This may seem intuitive but a 2011 research study of 401 people in the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that massage therapy is effective for the treatment of low back pain
Its all through a 1 cm incision. Less invasive than “laser spine surgery” and “ultrasonic spine surgery.” Below is a video of Dr. Zahir performing
In many cases, lumbar fusions are not necessary to treat back and leg pain. Could endoscopics be an alternative? https://www.washingtonian.com/2019/11/01/endoscopic-spine-surgery-an-alternative-to-lumbar-spinal-fusion/
Learn More: Few things are more painful than the back and leg pain that comes from a herniated disc. The burning pain, also known as
Reviews the differences between endoscopic diskectomy, microdiskectomy, laser diskectomy. https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/06/18/the-latest-in-minimally-invasive-spine-surgery-comes-to-the-dmv-area/
Endoscopic Spine Surgery: The latest in minimally invasive spine surgery Many people are familiar with arthroscopic surgery of the knee or shoulder. The surgeon makes
This is a basic introductory video that reviews endoscopic spine surgery and the instruments used in the procedure. This was a Facebook live video by
Our use of endoscopics in the treatment of spinal stenosis was highlighted by Becker’s Spine Review:
Spotsylvania surgeon first in region to use new procedure on spines Dr. Zahir and his use of the latest endoscopic instruments in the treatment of
My interest in minimally invasive spine surgery started out as a desire to be as precise as possible in the treatment of my patients. Many